(G)etting (O)ld (L)iving (F)ine.

Have you heard that before? I remember seeing that acronym on a doormat once.
Went to the driving range twice this week. After the first day I was so sore. I still actually am pretty sore, but I tried to ignore the pain and went again today. WOW. Today was the wrong day to go. The weather was so stinkin' hot! Despite the hot weather, I was happy because I think I improved a little bit!! I only missed ONCE out of 50 balls or so. Yippeeee!! I started off with 7's on my first day. Today, I tried hitting with a gap wedge. It was a lot easier, which helped boost my confidence up a bit...well, until I switched over to the 7's. Haha!
Golf takes a lot of concentration. I definitely have a new-found respect for pro golfers out there! Amazing! Takes so much skill, power, dexterity, focus, drive, and aim. There is so much to think about before taking that swing-for me it does. Am I bending down enough? My feet balanced? Am I holding the club right? Is my shoulder aligned with my target? Etcetera, Etcetera. It's funny though because sometimes I just FEEL it, like I KNOW it's going to be a good shot. Then BOOM! It is. =) You feel SO freakn GOOD when you hit it right. It feels good AND it sounds good. Haha~ I can see how golfing can be addicting. I'm nowhere near being decent and I already like it a lot. Too bad I'm poor because it's kind of expensive to go to the range everyday. Can you imagine actually playing the course? Thank God it'll be a while before I play a course or buy my own set for that matter. Haha!
Apartment Hunting
After much consideration, I'm seriously leaning towards living in Atlanta for the duration of my internship. It would be insane to drive back and forth from Athens to Atlanta everyday (M-F) when my hours are from 9-5. I'm trying to look for a place to sublet from June to mid August, but MAN...why is rent so high out in atl?? Makes me sad. I've been looking on craigslist so far and found 2-3 places around midtown/atlanta station/dt. Sent in some inquiries...just need to hear back from them. What would be nice is if someone I know can let me stay at their place. Let me borrow a room or something for a month... I would definitely pay for my stay, and even cook. Haha! I may have a place for July & Aug, but June seems to be the problem here. Hopefully things will work out asap!
It would be SO nice if I can find someone to sublet MY apt in Athens for the summer. I could save $610. Two month's worth of rent is like one month's worth in atl. geez. I've ran into another problem: living situation for fall semester. I was supposed to have 2 roommates but now it's down to just 1 roommate, which I don't mind, but it makes the rent so much more expensive. I'm so not in the looking mood either these days, but if I don't do it, who's going to?
My birthday is coming up and I've decided to do a GNO. I'm wondering if Geisha House is any good? I feel like I've already hit up all the good affordable restaurants. During my restaurant research (which i LOVE to do) this time around, I started to get a little depressed. Is it just me or did these restaurants spike up their PRICES?! I can't wait till I get to the point where I can easily drop $20-30 for my dish anytime. puHA!! I love GOOD food. :)
Memorial Wknd.
I'm gonna make this weekend WORTH it because I FINALLY have work off this Sunday. This does not happen often at all. Happens twice a year or less unless I request work off, but that is very rare. Work is the reason why I go to bed by 1am at the latest every Saturday night. You know what's happening THIS Saturday night. Yup, I'm staying up as long as I can. Hahahaha! I feel like a little kid. I'm gonna be spending Sat. night out in Atlanta and then hitting up Lake Lanier later on!! Friends!! Bikinis!! Boat!! Food!! YAY!! I will finally get an official "break" from school since finals. It really sucks cuz I'm so out of shape right now. Bahahahaha!! I feel sorry for anyone who has to see me this wknd.
Well, I decided to stay in tonight instead of going out with some friends in order to catch up on some much needed sleep, but the Lakers/Suns game kept me up and so did this blog. Purpose defeated!
Have a FABULOUS long weekend, friends! Have fun, but please be safe!!
let's go to the range together! are you kidding?!!
i'll do some more research on apts
i like your blog, it keeps me reading =)
have fun this weekend!!!
my friend was trying to sublease her place in ATL for the summer. Dunno if she found anyone. I'll let you know! :)
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