
new stuff.

New classes, new semester, new place, new roommates- I love starting all over again! It's so refreshing and exciting. Those are just a few of the "news" that have taken up residence in my life. I love every single bit of it. I honestly came back to Athens with mixed feelings. It was nice to move into a new place with new roommates and all, but I really didn't want to leave Atlanta! During the middle of the summer I was actually ready to get back to Athens, but when the time actually came for me to leave I didn't want to. This summer was filled with so much...STUFF for the lack of a better term. Can't even really say they were "events" but I guess I can say fortunate and unfortunate circumstances were scattered throughout my summer. Made new friends, got into an accident, new discoveries, went on a road trip, shopped till I dropped, (only to return half the things), gained a ton of weight due to my uncontrollable eating habits-now I'm thrown back into reality. Reality of "ahhh I have 17 hours this semester" and "omg, I have to start looking for a job now" and "shoot, now I only have a part-time job." It's all so great. I can't contain the joy I feel inside. Can you feel it?

While I was vegetating in front of my artfully cracked screen on my macbook, a thought randomly crossed my mind. It's really funny how people have walked in and out of my life just within a very short life span of 23 years. Some I don't care to cry over, and some...well I guess they were not meant to stay in my life forever. This brings me to my next thought. What about the new people who walked into my life? Are they going to walk out some day too? I can't help, but wonder. My life revolved around my friends-especially in high school. If friends walked out of my life then boy, I don't think I would have taken it very well. Friends are still a huge part of my life, but I'm a little bit more wiser about how much importance I stress on them now. I don't know what it is with life, but it toughens you, gives you a slightly more jaded view on life. Maybe that's what happens when you grow up-you awake to find reality. So when friends walk out of my life now I just accept it as a process of life and move on. I think you become wiser through this life process so when new people take the place of old ones in your life, you tend to be more careful on who to invest in. This is the reason why I think the friends you make when you're older tend to stick around for a long time. So even with my doubtful question of "what about the new people who walked into my life?", I have hope. I have hope because I can be more selective about my associations and I can be more cautious with my attachments. I have the power of choice.

To go even further...it also helped me appreciate the people who've stuck with me since way back when in childhood. They are the ones who know me better than I know myself. They are the ones who've stuck through thick and thin and to hell and back and are STILL with me. I love them even more. If you are fortunate as I am to have people like that in your life, don't take them for granted. Let them know how you feel about them! =)

You know what I cannot wait for? FALL WEATHER!! MmmMmMmMmm~ Can't wait to wear all my scarves, jackets, and boots!
Yesss. On another random note, I have my first photo shoot tomorrow! I say my first because I'm getting paid for it!! Whoohoo! Not much, but it's a start. I'm nervous and excited!! I'm supposed to be job hunting today. Well, I did make a list of all the places I'm going to apply and all the materials they require for submission. That's a start, yes? No?
Senioritis- I've had it since two semesters ago. Oh wait, I meant sine year 1 of college. Hahahaha~ I swear this place, campus, I don't know what it is, but the atmosphere here makes me super duper sleepy all the time. I can pass out anywhere EVEN when I get an adequate amount of sleep the night before. Could be due to all the rigorous awesome workouts I'm doing three times a week and yes, I'm very proud of myself, and yes, I'm required to in order for me to graduate. Speaking of which, I graduate December 17th!! Is that a Friday? If it is then I am graduating! Wow! Four long years. Technically 4.5 since I took .5 of it off. I can't wait.

I'm gonna go do something productive now. Blogging was...semi-productive. :)

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